Get Involved In Local and National Politics.

2024 will be a big year for political action, and members of the Sharon CT Democratic Town Committee are working to engage and inform voters, both in our town and across the country. We are committed to supporting candidates who embody Democratic values of respect and opportunity for all, in a country that respects election results and where no one is above the law. Our Committee has an official role in nominating candidates to represent us in state and federal government, as well as in local elected and appointed positions. We raise funds to contribute to candidates who share our mission. Our National Action Subcommittee directs actions we can take locally to support national candidates and causes, like protecting free and fair elections. We welcome you to join us!

Spotlight on Upcoming Events.

Messaging Mondays continue on May 20. Join us at The Edward to take actions to support candidates and campaigns in the state and around the country. Each event will focus on a specific activity, like writing postcards or phoning voters. Visit the EVENTS page for more information.

Get Involved in Sharon Boards or Nonprofits.

If you’d like to get involved more directly with boards, commissions, or some of the many nonprofits in Sharon, we have some ideas to get you started.